
Aaaahhh what a crazy epic, relentless, exhausting, long, incredible day requiring much perseverance and determination, digging deep into our reserve energy and even beyond that, we hit the wall and carried on. It was beyond our own fathoming, what a feeling after 147km on the road 9 hours on the saddle, persistent wind and rain and a campsite that didn't exist, after pushing on past sunset! But what was amazing and why we are so happy right now, is we made it with the help of little bits of hope that came in many different forms- comments on blog, guys who gave us directions ( so enthusiastically they were on there hands and knees drawing on the ground!), thumbs up from other bikers, little old ladies, smiles, cheers, beeps,chocolate, singing in the rain whilst being sprayed by trucks, morale is high, air punching, blue skies, Monster drink, happy petrol station workers, oranges, stunning mountains ( like the ones you draw when you a kid but more rounded at the top), massive marching bands, happy people, frantic waving, UPS turning out to be downs, a sunset that gives you a glimpse of heaven, signs to campsite, open gate, warm showers and elation, hoping and pushing on together! Living verses existing- defiantly felt we lived today! Big thanks to you guys that are still reading... your part of our journey too! It's late, this is long, adios Xxx

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